The Revolution

There are Two Principles of The Revolution:

  1. Always* operate from a place of abundance**
  2. Always choose the most expansive*** route

* Always means pertaining to any manner of actions that can be deemed revolutionary.
** Abundance is knowing you are enough for the mere fact that you exist.
*** Expansive is reaching beyond binaries, hierarchies, and capital.
Note: One can *only* decipher the most expansive route when one is operating from a place of abundance. The most expansive route can change from moment to moment, as we move through space and time, and based on continually shifting specificities of entanglements and intra-actions with apparatuses, bodies, and material-discursive practices that co-produce ethico-onto-epistem-ologies[1].

[1] Ethico-onto-epistem-ology is a quantum entanglement concept by queer feminist theorist and physicist Karen Barad that insists on the inseparability and simultaneous co-production of the “nature” of being (ontology), knowing (epistemology), and doing (ethics). Karen Bard, Meeting the Universe Halfway: Quantum Physics and the Entanglement of Matter and Meaning, Duke University Press, 2007.

laub made it in secret lol. he knows the materials. this is the story I wrote for the IG post:

The rainbow phoenix has become the symbol/mascot/animal familiar of The Revolution. The first iteration was designed by Lilliana Castro of ARCHEFFECT (@_archeffect) in 2013 for a window mural at Transmission Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland. Gregory Lewis (@magicall33f) designed a lapel pin of the rainbow phoenix from his team’s winning design of the Mooniform challenge in Carole Frances Lung’s Social Engagement for Fashion Fiber and Materials class at CSULA in 2018. Here’s the newest iteration of The Revolution rainbow phoenix for Our Envisioned Future Quilt 🔥🕊🌈 REVOLUTION OR DEATH! 🔙 and then rise from the ashes and do it all over again 🥚🐣🐥🔁