Quinn Corey

As an Artist I create images inspired by the graphic language of spectacular culture, that convey the feeling of the world we live in while proposing a Counter-Spectacle to the grim news reel reality of everyday life; a visual world defined by the karmic magic of the universe and not the finite limitations of reality, a spectacle based on the ideas of culturally revolutionary activity, fun, imagination and inspiration. My images intrude on one another in a visual mega-mix of popular culture symbols and ideas, clashing in a way that places them in a new more appropriate context.
Let’s Play (2023)
My square is about play. The meaning of the word play implies a certain care free state of mind, a freedom of responsibility, a state of freedom.
The notion of incorporating play into everyday life is an inherently political action. The act of play eschews the commodification of time that legitimizes human existence in capitalist society. In my square the universe is manifesting playfulness through a faceless agent, reaching through to time and space to make a connection.
Neon Ruins (2022)
The idea of Neon Ruins spoke to me immediately and this image came to fruition. The idea of a psychedelic-everyplace that is undergoing a cosmic event seemed like a good visual metaphor for inspiration, change, and personal growth through confronting the collective psyche. The quilt square itself is done on vintage neon Jams World fabric and neon green linen, most of the embroidery is UV reactive as well.
Envisioned Futures (2021)
‘Living In The Future’ is about all those who won’t be confined by the normative limitations of mainstream culture and instead create a new way of living in the world. The lettering was originally part of a series of paintings and stencils and has become a recurring message in my work. The futuristic style of lettering when paired with earthy colors/natural materials creates an effect that is at simultaneously an aesthetic of the past and of the future. The square itself was dyed through a combination of natural dye (tea/coffee/compost), chemical dye, and bleach.